New Book by Michael Prescott

On my blog for my book Unbelievable, I have a link to Michael Prescott’s blog, which has the tagline, Occasional thoughts on matters of life and death. It’s where I’ve found some of most intelligent and articulate writing on these subjects.

He also writes thrillers, and has a new one out called Riptide. From his bio:

“I was born in 1960 and grew up in New Jersey. My childhood hero was stop-motion animation master Ray Harryhausen, and my early ambition was to create special-effects monsters like the ones in The 7th Voyage of Sinbad and Jason and the Argonauts.”

“I attended Wesleyan University, majoring in Film Studies, then moved to Los Angeles, where I wrote scripts for several independent producers. Only one of these films was produced. I also worked as a magazine freelancer, archival researcher, and editor, and eventually started writing books. I wrote a few horror novels (best forgotten) under a long-defunct name, then authored six titles under the pseudonym Brian Harper before switching to my new identity as Michael Prescott.”

He went to Wesleyan! Some of the best people I know went to Wesleyan (my ex-husband for one, Aly Sujo, and Joss Whedon). So you might want to try Riptide

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “New Book by Michael Prescott

  1. Our neighbor’s daughter will be attending Wesleyan U this fall and will play ice hockey for them! Please help me pick the perfect going-away gift for a serious ice hockey girl going to Wesleyan! Thanks!

  2. I know nothing about hockey … but let me think. The best gift I got when I went away to college turned out to be the coffee maker for my dorm room. Not very exciting, but it was great to be able to wake up and have coffee right away instead of dressing and going to the dining room. They didn’t have them then, but a little microwave or toaster oven?

    But for kids these days, probably some form of technology …

  3. You might be right – my own daughter is heading in the opposite direction to TN to study “biomedical engineering” and she wants a little 4 cup coffeemaker like I have in my office. They have a little microwave as part of the little fridge set-up in their room. When I took her to her 2 day orientation 3 weeks ago (separate orientation for the parents and I had fun with the other dads), they said no toaster ovens allowed. So many rules!

    Thanks for the ideas Stacy! She already turned down the slide rule I carried on my belt as a freshman in 1973 – our technology! Remember those?

  4. Thanks for the free publicity, Stacy!

    You don’t really think your kitties are the Devil’s plush toys, do you?

    I mean, if they were chihuahuas, I could understand.

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