Soliciting Opinions

Every time I write a new book I start a blog. I can’t maintain all these blogs anymore, plus a couple of websites, and then there’s the new book about singing coming up. I don’t want to start yet another blog.

Here’s what I’m thinking of doing.

Currently my main web page,, takes you to a web page with links to pretty much everything I do. I’m thinking of doing away with that page and having take you here instead, to the blog I update every day.

– I’ll change the look of this a little bit, but not much. I will spruce it up a little but overall I like a clean, spare design. I think I’ll take out Satan’s Fur Puppets in the banner and put my name, and maybe add my face with the cats. Or maybe I’ll do a new banner altogether.

– I’ll replace the bio here with the one that’s on the web page.

– I’ll add links here to my other blogs which I only update sporadically. I’d like to get rid of them altogether, but people still access all the information on The Restless Sleep blog for instance and there’s a lot of useful important information there. It helps people solve murders (hopefully) so it would be wrong to take it down.

What do you think? Any other suggestions to do to this blog if i’m going to make it my main page?

(The picture is of someone taking a class at the trapeze school on the West Side Highway.)

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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7 thoughts on “Soliciting Opinions

  1. That’s probably my cousin, Alli, who is more fearless than I and has no fear of heights. She lives up in Morningside (I think).

    I guess I don’t have an opinion. I’ve been reading this blog since 2006, through its previous iteration. What ever works for you, works for me.

    Not much help, am I?

  2. I like the ideas of consolidating your blogs.

    Satan’s Fur Puppets is a cute cat reference, but when I first saw it (not knowing anything about you) I guessed you were a Goth Rocker Chick — and maybe you are — underneath — where Goth must be . . .

    Also, I’d love to see a picture of you from time to time — if you are comfortable with that — it would be nice to see the one making me laugh, smile and nod (in agreement, not in sleep).


  3. You should pile it all in together, at least from the blog perspective. I don’t see why you couldn’t talk about your work along with what you do day-to-day…unless there was something personal and purposeful behind separating the two. I wouldn’t mind reading about something cold-case related, or maybe anything new coming our of the parapsychology field (my secret intense interest).I guess everyone is what they do in some ways.

    Either way, I’ll read on. I still read sites that look like the code was copy/pasted straight from GeoCities in aught-one, unless you go to an entirely animated GIFs format it will be fine, I’m sure.

  4. I realize after reading my comment that I can no longer communicate like a reasonable human being. Everything is like some loony stream of consciousness ramble. 🙂 Awesome. Sitting in front of these four screens all day is taking a toll. Ah, the sweet life.

  5. I wish I hadn’t separated the blogs the way I did, but now I don’t see how I can combine them all into one without losing the history.

    But I wonder if there is a way?

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