One of My Favorite Finney Shots

I’ve been going through the pictures of my cats, looking for ones to use if I re-do (my friend Jackie re-does) the banner here. I found so many shots I loved, the trick is finding the most graphically simple and arresting. But this is a favorite just for sheer weirdness.

The feet, the toe stretch! Oh wait, I have an idea … see below.


Is this funny? No, it’s funnier in context. Well, it was a thought.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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7 thoughts on “One of My Favorite Finney Shots

  1. Hahahaha.

    And Polly is a friend of mine from the Census and I was telling everyone about my fear of tarantulas.

  2. I like the shot of the 2 little hands (yes, I know they’re paws) waving in the air and I think it should be used somewhere in the re-design.

  3. I love love love the little toes. What a great shot. I’ve got an all white kitty with bright pink toes who does the same thing. We must be grateful for the tiny things in life, such as kitty toes.

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