I’m Listening to Christmas Music

Yeah. I am. Because I love Christmas music. And because I’m feeling a little discouraged and Christmas music cheers me up.

This was from yesterday’s baby shower for former fellow Census worker Xiomara. (Census friends, that’s Xiomara’s mother to Xiomara’s left, and her grandmother in the back holding Xandre. I think. There were a lot of babies there! I’m pretty sure that’s him though.)

As you can guess from this photograph, Xiomara was a joy to be around.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “I’m Listening to Christmas Music

  1. Wasn’t she? It was an office full of perfectly wonderful people and excellent laughers. ;o)

    The baby word-search, baby word scramble, and baby bingo however, showed that some of us (i.e., me) have definitely lost our edge.

    I think I might hold off on taking those civil service exams I was considering.

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