Stacy’s Continuing Tales of Customer Service

The Vornado space heater I bought at Bed, Bath & Beyond last winter stopped working recently. I really should be able to get more than one season out of the thing (it cost $80) so I called Bed, Bath & Beyond. I was hoping for was a coupon for a discount for another space heater.

“Bring it back.”
“But I bought it a year ago!”
“It doesn’t matter, bring it in.”

I was sure there was some sort of mistake, but I brought it in.

“Do you have the receipt?”
“No! Because I bought it a year ago!”
“It doesn’t matter. What do you want to do, exchange it?”

My new space heater. Cat inspected, cat approved. Thank you Bed, Bath & Beyond!!


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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