Me in my College Days

An old friend from college, Sandra Whaley, uploaded a picture she had taken of me to Facebook. I love this picture! I can’t remember ever curling my hair so I asked her what the occasion was. Maybe it’s graduation? I graduated in 1978. That’s my camera (which was stolen a couple of years later). And I’m smoking! (I quit in 1986. I hope I quit soon enough.)


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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6 thoughts on “Me in my College Days

  1. Lovely picture, Stacy! Although it’s from the 70s, it also has a bit of the late 1940s or 50s about it. (I KNOW you’re not THAT old, though!)
    I have a similar camera that belonged to my father, a Yashica, I think. I should attempt to find film for it & try it out. I have personally never used it but all of the early baby pictures of me & my brother were taken with it. Sorry yours was stolen.

  2. Lovely photo!

    When I see pictures of myself at younger ages, I wish I could just somehow slip back in time and say,”You should appreciate yourself, your youth, you’re pretty and you don’t even know it.”

    Which just goes to show you how little self-confidence I’ve ever had and especially about my appearance!

  3. Cara, that is exactly what I thought. I had NO idea how good I looked. But I’m thinking that the same thing might be happening now. I think I look so “eh” but maybe even now I look at lot better than I think.

    Warren – ha!

    Nora, it does have a 1940s feel, someone else was saying that to me. And you should definitely pull out that Yashica and take some pictures with it. The 2 1/4 format was always my favorite.

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