The Shooting is Sad on So Many Levels

This article about Jared Lee Loughner makes him sound clearly mentally ill and possibly schizophrenic. In addition to the judge and the third grader he also shot and killed three women in their 70’s, for the love of God.

I wonder what the story is for the other man they’re looking for. In case you haven’t read, they’re looking for a possible accomplice, a man in his 50’s. Was he someone taking advantage of a mentally ill young man, or someone equally disturbed?

On a happier note, Finney is very pleased to be more prominently featured in the new banner.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “The Shooting is Sad on So Many Levels

  1. This old guy putting disturbed young guy up to an act of violence seems so similar to what the radical Islamist terrorists do, I find it interesting. If that’s what happened.

  2. This is so tragic…but is there really any rational way to prevent these occurrences? Twisted and mentally ill people who seemingly have access to firearms and/or bombs slip beneath the “radar” of scrutiny, even from the FBI in this instance. I guess in our “open” society, and with more people feeling disenfranchised, fueled by some of the political vitriol being expounded, we shouldn’t be so shocked. Personally, I’m heartbroken and frightened. I wonder what really can be done to prevent these random acts.

    And, on a lighter note…isn’t that Buddy on your post tonight? I thought Finney was your “grey ghost”. Either way, I’m glad that Finney approves of your new masthead and his prominence.

  3. Buddy is the gray one, and Finney is the black one.

    I agree with you about the state of things.

  4. Oh, and they’re saying that other guy was just the cab driver, and he is not involved. But you probably already read that by now, too.

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