History for Hire

You may have noticed a new item in the menu bar above. I’ve started a new business called History for Hire! I’m going to take my writing and research skills AND RULE THE WORLD!! Or write people’s personal histories.

I had fun going through my own family photographs picking ones to illustrate the History for Hire page. This is my grandmother on my mother’s side. We never met, she died before I was born, alas. Actually, I just realized that the pictures I picked all emphasize more distant family history, but recent stories need to be told too. I should put up a picture of Gulf War or an Iraq or Afghanistan vet.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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5 thoughts on “History for Hire

  1. Excellent timing. Did you see the premiere of NBC’s “Who Do You Think You Are?” (or something like that).
    They take several celebs and trace their ancestry back, revealing interesting and dramatic stories. It’s basically a total ripoff of a similar show that PBS did, but it’s an interesting thing to see it on commercial TV.

  2. Yes! That is Daisy! I love that you remembered her.

    Michael, yes. I think I look a lot like her father. I have a picture of him when he was young.

    Thank you, Nora, and thanks for the editing suggestion via email. Dan, I should mention that. That I can do a “Who Do You Think You Are” thing while I’m at it.

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