Will I ever get my camera back?

There was a great piece in the Times a while back, something about “how to get the most out of your technology.” One of the things it suggested doing was fine tuning and calibrating your HDTV. They said:

“Order Spears & Munsil High-Definition Benchmark Blu-ray Disc Edition [Blu-ray], a DVD, for $25. Its regimen of tests and patterns will help you adjust your TV’s settings to more natural levels. After you use it, you may want to fine-tune the TV some more, but you can do so knowing you are getting the most out of your display.”

I wonder if I should do it. Has anyone ever done something like this with their tv?

When I get my camera back I’m going to spend the day taking pictures. Maybe I should plan a nice NYC tour, and visit a bunch of spots I’ve never been to. I took this uptown a month or so ago.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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5 thoughts on “Will I ever get my camera back?

  1. I just bought a new TV because the 25 y.o. one finally died (first the picture went and I kept it for a couple of months longer because I never really watch TV, but once the sound went I gave in and bought another TV), but am just not into TV to spend the $25 on a DVD to adjust it. That and the fact that I don’t have a Blu-Ray player either.

    Oh crap, why don’t I just go ahead and say that I only turn the TV on for the noise and nothing else.

  2. Karen, I’ve been meaning to ask how you are — were you anywhere near all these storms??

  3. I’m a good 200 miles away from Bertie County where 11 people died, but less than 60 miles away from Sanford where the Lowe’s was demolished.

    The storm came through Greensboro Saturday a little after noon with just a lot of rain and wind gusts of around 40-50 mph. The weather guys think that it coming over the mountains slowed it down enough not to cause any damage until it hit Burlington which is 25 miles to the east.

    North Carolina leads the country in night time tornado strikes so I always leave my NOAA radio on. They are talking abou severe weather for Wednesday night (again), so I’ll probably get little sleep with the alarm going off.

  4. Karen, glad to hear you are safe. We also had a series of tornadoes in Alabama, the worst of those south of where I live in north Alabama. My grandparents home was totally demolished in the ’74 line of tornadoes, and it was a traumatic time: the old house had always felt like home to me and my sisters.

    As for TV, I have a couple of large screen TVs, one my late husband wanted. The other I bought because it fit better in my den. I got Netflix back at Christmas, and have to confess it’s spoiled me, love the endless movies and no commercials!

    Stacy, I have not forgotten about sending you a copy of that article I wrote for FATE magazine. I’ve just not had time to dig into my file cabinet for it. It was published back in the early 80s, and I do remember I had to get my grandparents’ signature witnessed as to the truth of the incident in the coal mines. I’ll get a copy to you eventually, I hope!

  5. I appreciate it! It doesn’t have to be right away. I could probably get it at the library! That’s terrible about your grandparent’s home.

    Karen I’m glad you’re okay and reasonably far from the worst damage.

    I’m going down to DC tomorrow to do some research at the Library of Congress. They’re not expecting this bad weather near there I hope.

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