In the Realms of the Unreal

I watched a documentary about Henry Darger, an artist I’ve posted about before, and I learned in Wikipedia that an online game called SissyFight, that was developed by the staff at Word, was still going until 2009! I didn’t know! (The person who ran Word is a friend.) All the players are girls and Darger was one of their influences.

I also watched a documentary about all the tornados last month and then wake up to the news about Joplin. Jesus Christ.

Union Square on Saturday.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “In the Realms of the Unreal

  1. The news about Joplin is heart-breaking; I know how those folks feel this morning. We’re still recovering here, and though I’m feeling better, I do have days when I’m sad and anxious. Especially when there’s a threat of stormy weather.

  2. Cara, of course I kept thinking about you watching the thing on Discovery, and then this morning. Did you see shots of your town on the Discovery thing?

  3. Hi Stacy,
    Sorry to be slow in replying to your question. Yes, Cullman was featured at the beginning & ending of that Discovery special on tornados.

    I feel so much empathy for those people in Joplin. The only thing worse than suffering through an EF4 tornado would be continuing threats of storms/tornados. And last night more tornados in Oklahoma/Arkansas. Crazy weather!

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