Dance Parade

For the record, there was some action at the library too yesterday. Someone got married! Dance pictures below.

There were lots and lots of belly dancers, and all sorts of traditional dances from around the world, which was great, but there was almost NO hip hop, my favorite. Did all the hip hop dancers boycott the event or something? Does anyone know?

There was a decent amount of ballet, I got a real “Fame” like shot, but I like this one because it has the Broadway sign in it.

Wait, what the hell? Yes, there was even a pole dancer. A truck with a pole and this girl went by.

Here I’m just showing off that I caught the girl mid-air. These people weren’t even dancers, they were cheer leaders. Although that’s in the dance category these days, isn’t it?

Like these girls, one of the few groups doing any hip hop moves. I have a ton more pictures, but these are probably enough. So! Anyone got a post-rapture hang over?

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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