
I got presents!! Yes, I made out quite well at yesterday’s graduation/birthday/father’s day party at Karen and Pete’s (my sister-in-law and brother)! I’d be modeling two of them today, but I have to work on a class I’m giving ON CAMERA tomorrow.

I should talk about that briefly. The Learning Annex is now offering classes via video streaming and they asked me to do one about the Duke Parapsychology Lab. I’m terrified. I don’t completely suck at giving presentations and lectures, but I have a very strict time limit, and I’m not sure how this is going to work. I’m used to looking down periodically to check my notes to make sure where I am, etc. If I’m talking into a camera, how will that work??

Anyway, I got these really cute shirts, which made me particularly happy because I had decided to give myself a new top for my birthday, but I didn’t find any I liked and now I have two. AND, my brother Douglas and his wife Robin gave me a VERY generous donation help to pay for all this dental work I have to do, my father and step-mother gave me all this spa-stuff, which I love, AND I got plenty of food to-go, so as you might imagine I’m in a very good mood today.

Buddy inspects the new tops. You can see how cute they are.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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3 thoughts on “Presents!!!

  1. Cute, cute tops. I wish I could get away with that at work. Don’t ever go to work for the insurance industry, bunch of stodgy old so-and-so’s.

    And I forgot to wish you Happy Birthday, too, so here’s a belated birthday wish (although I did get it done during your birthday week)!

  2. I forgot to tell you that I asked that question about the top in the window you liked (was it a Michael Kors) because I thought how cool to get that for you and surprise you, but then I called the store and it was $435 for that little top. Sorry but at that price it just was not gonna happen. Hope you enjoy your much cheaper tops!!!
    Oh well if I win the lottery it is yours!

  3. Thank you, North Carolina Karen!

    And New York Karen, that is SO SWEET of you!! $435 is insane of course, but what a nice thing to even conceive of doing!!!!!! I honestly don’t think it would have looked good on me and I have since tried on both of the tops you got me, both fit and both are very flattering. I can’t get over how the orange one fits. It’s loose, but the way it hangs it still goes in at the waist and flatters your shape without clinging in all the wrong spots. And the pink one the same, doesn’t accentuate the middle-aged bulge!! I love them both!!!!!!

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