Not the Weekend for Me

I am so behind in my writing schedule I must write write write all weekend long. No movies or tv or books for me!

In other news: Buddy is limping. I called the vet and they asked if he is putting weight on it—he is—so I’m supposed to watch it for 24 hours, which means until this afternoon. Whatever caused this must have happened while I was out swimming yesterday. I think he’s better though. He’s still limping, but he seems less tentative. I hope that’s not wishful thinking, but he’s out here with me and he was hiding in the bedroom before (where my cats go when they are in pain).

Swimming Update: My eyes still have lines and are a little swollen from the goggles. Am I going to look 100 years old from now on?? I bought a mask yesterday to wear instead.

A picture of my little wounded warrior, taken seconds ago. Hello sweetie pie. Lots of treats are in your immediate future.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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5 thoughts on “Not the Weekend for Me

  1. Oh she is GREAT. Very funny. “I’m sorry. I was thinking of cats again.”

  2. I dunno… I do believe that very attractive woman will never find a date on And if she does, omg.

    god help us cat (animal) lovin’ women.

    We’re doomed.

    Oh well, wtf, we’re all doomed…may as well love something.

  3. (((((((((HUGS)))))))))) to Buddy! He’s a trooper!

    Had seen the Eharmony YouTube gal. Someone suggested it was “faked”…but I have to say, that is one great actress! LOL

  4. Oh no, I’m sure it’s an act! Someone said she’s posted other routines. It’s just too funny, and if it was real it would be less … polished. Less funny.

    Thanks for the hugs for Buddy. He’s still limping but he’s jumping up and down on things again, so he’s on the mend.

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