Wait, that’s not illegal?

A tequila truck? Really? I went insane my one night of drinking tequila and I’ve been terrified of it ever since. Shudder. Seriously though, how can this be legal?

Before I forget, there was some great, great writing on the tv show Burn Notice this week. One of the characters, Michael’s mother, mocks the idea of closure. She said something like, โ€œI donโ€™t buy it. When someone blasts a hole in your life it tends to stay open.โ€ The truth of it, I could have cried with relief! I think sometimes the best you can do is do your best to walk around and avoid those holes.

My pool opens today and they still haven’t posted what the hours are. I’m going to try to swim today. Thing I’m afraid about (yes fear, not concern, it’s my fall-back reaction, how do I get through my life? I don’t know): the water will be too cold, there won’t be lanes for lap swimming, they will reinstitute “family hours” and “family hours” will be all the normal waking hours and I can only swim between 5:35am and 5:55am or from 11:45 pm to midnight, or the pool will be crowded with people who make swimming impossible.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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6 thoughts on “Wait, that’s not illegal?

  1. OH MAN! A Tequila truck. So ready for a Margarita!

    I have a theory on closure. There are some things you never get over … you just learn to deal with them. (Or else you go nuts and go somewhere that they only let you write with crayons.)

  2. I like theories like that! Because I feel like a loser that there are some things that still bother me if I think about them, I feel like there’s something wrong with me that I didn’t move on completely.

  3. I’m pretty sure that’s just being human. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I worry about people who seem to shuck off everything with the same passionless attitude. To me, that means nothing really matters to you. That’s no way to live!

  4. They aren’t actually selling tequila. It’s a taco truck. I think they tout “tequila infused tacos” or something.

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