What the hell is a legume?

I’m sure I’ve asked this before. I think I decided a legume is a bean, but then I read some nutritional study and it said to eat legumes and beans, so that can’t be right. Wait, I just googled it. Legumes are beans. Oh for the love of God. When did we start calling them legumes anyway? I see that they are specifically beans (and some nuts) which come in pods.

I’m still without tv, but I’m determined not to keep posting about it. I took the picture below on 9/11. These are truthers (groan) in front of St. Paul’s Chapel. I haven’t been taking pictures this week so I had to dip back. That “Danger” sign is quite beautifully designed, I have to say.

Truthers on 9/11

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “What the hell is a legume?

  1. Agreed. But I read this very moving article about the jumpers … I forget where. Maybe The Nation? But one of the relatives of a jumper said he had to thank them for discovering a hoax related to the jumpers. It was weird. I think they’re crazy, but they are not … unkind.

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