Not to be all Occupy Wall Street all the time, but …

Oh my god. Watch this low low low moment.

I’m also feeling sad for another reason. A few years back I researched audio forensics for a piece for NPR that was ultimately killed (weirdly, it turned out to be a tricky subject for a radio piece). I decided to go through my notes and post some of the material on my unsolved murder blog. But when I emailed one of my principal subjects for an update I learned that he died in 2009, just a few months after the last time I emailed with him. His name was Richard Sanders and he worked for the National Center for Audio and Video Forensics in Colorado. There are tributes to him here and here [the tribute I linked to is gone now]. I’ll be posting about this on my other blog too, but probably not about how sad I feel. He was such a nice, helpful guy. He always made time for me, sent me audio snippets whenever I needed them.

Well. I have to get up and out to run a ton of errands. I’ll be passing through Union Square, where there is always something going on. This was a pilates class, I believe. Life goes on. Sigh.

Exercise class at Union Square

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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