Promoting Waiting For My Cats to Die ebook Edition

I made a Youtube video to promote the ebook edition of my memoir, Waiting For My Cats to Die. This is the short version. I made a longer version first, with outtakes from me trying to figure out what I should do. I thought that was funny, but a couple of friends thought it was long and might only be funny to my friends.

I agreed, but I think the short one is kinda eh. Book promoting is hard. Here is the longer version if you can stand it.

A spoil sport at the East Parade last Sunday.

Easter Parade, New York City, 2012

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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7 thoughts on “Promoting Waiting For My Cats to Die ebook Edition

  1. “If I had read Waiting for My Cats to Die, I never would have bothered to write War and Peace.” — Leo Tolstoy

    “Waiting for My Cats to Die covered any insights I had when I produced my Jean Christophe.” — Romain Rolland

    “When Stacy Horn wrote Waiting for My Cats to Die, it completely eliminated any need on my part to write The Great Gatsby.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald

    “Waiting for My Cats to Die is my constant bedside companion.” — Nancy Drew

    “When Ms. Horn deftly executed a monument to modern literature called Waiting for My Cats to Die, I felt that a final statement had been made in respect to the importance of modern literature.” — Kermit the Frog

    Despite the accolades from the world of literature, one accusation arises from an important source inside the Horn household:
    “She plagiarized everything from the work of cats who used to live with her.” — Codename Meow

  2. Kind of hard to top Greg’s comment–won’t even try.
    But I LOVED the video. For some reason the time lapse segment just made me laugh and laugh–too bad we can’t pill cats in actual time lapse mode so it goes faster!

  3. hee hee! Videos cracked me up. And I never knew your cats were so big! Maybe is just the perspective from the laptop cam, but you look itty bitty behind those fur balls!

  4. Aw, thank you. Cats are my main audience, it’s true.

    Greg, that was AMAZING, thank you. I appreciate the effort!!

    CR: I was so annoyed about the time lapse. I had to wait until the next day to try again, because I couldn’t over-medicate him. I ended up having to put that shirt on again and again so it looked like it was all the same shoot. I even got a haircut in-between, and in the last shot of the new shorter version one, my hair is much short.

    Nadine, my cats are monster. Finney is 20 pounds. Buddy used to be too, but now he’s 12 1/2, which I guess is semi-normal, but he seems rail-thin to me.

  5. Just this morning I read Betsy Lerner’s blog and saw the trailer for Waiting For My Cats to Die and immediately bought the book from Amazon. I have pilled many cats. It is the best book trailer in the history of Western Civilization. The book is wonderful.

    Thank you.

  6. THANK YOU!! Seriously, thank you!!!!! Your post has helped make me feel less self-conscious about that video. And of course, a big THANK YOU for buying my book!!!!

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