Best Lamp/Lantern for Storm Reading

When Hurricane Sandy hit I quickly learned that reading by candlelight is impossible, and annoying by flashlight. So I ordered the Coleman 3AA High-Tech LED Mini Lantern because someone on Echo wisely advised getting a lantern that took AA batteries rather than D batteries, which are harder to find in an emergency. Unfortunately, when it arrived and I tried it out it just didn’t feel bright enough. Also, it said the 3 AA batteries it takes will last six hours, which isn’t very much.

So I returned it and ordered the Rayovac Sportsman LED Lantern. It takes D batteries, but it also says it will last 40 to 90 hours depending on the setting and it’s 240 lumens at the highest setting vs 85 lumens for the other one at it’s highest setting.

This one is definitely much brighter than the other lamp, and much better for overall room lighting and also for reading, so I’m keeping it. That said, the light is harsh, and you have to position it just right to hit the pages of your book. Maybe the headlamp suggestion a friend gave me is the best.

Another reason for battery operated lighting: Bleeck jumped up to check out the candle and singed his whiskers. This is not the best shot, but if you look, the whiskers over his right eye are shortened. Since this picture was taken they’ve fallen out. They will grow back, right??

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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6 thoughts on “Best Lamp/Lantern for Storm Reading

  1. I have a LED clip-on book light for my Nook Simple Touch which I also use on my hard cover books. It also makes a great little flashlight. I got that at Barnes and Noble.

    My Nook Color has a very bright screen (you can adjust the brightness) and when the power went out 2 weeks ago for 5 hours (a car swerved to miss a deer on a street a couple blocks over and took out a power pole), I didn’t even bother to get out the Coleman light – just continued to read the Nook.

  2. Hi Stacy! My cats lose whiskers all the time, I can see the new ones growing in behind them. I think it is normal…but I’m not sure about loss of whiskers due to injury. I would think they would grow back. Two of my cats set themselves on fire by candles, just the fur and I managed to get them put out with no serious harm (to me or the cats!). I quit using candles at cat level after the second time!

  3. The whiskers should grow back just fine, but it will take awhile. I like headlamps for reading when there’s no power. But the headband can be a bit tight=possible headache. The great thing with the headlamp is that it works well with rechargeable batteries, and usually takes just 2 or 3 AAA. Petzl headlamps aren’t expensive and are adjustable, so you can get a good beam of light on your book. They also have several settings, and the low setting works well for reading and saves battery charge.

  4. Thanks, those are the ones I’m going to get!

    And thank you for the reassurance about the whiskers. I feel so guilty.

    Karen, you are so luck you have a Nook!

  5. Darn! I asked my brother for one of the Coleman lamps for Christmas based on a comment on one of your storm posts only to find out now that I should have asked for the Rayovac lamp instead!!! I hope it’s not too late to change my request!

  6. If it’s not, I’m sure the Coleman will be fine! They are like, the oldest lantern making company still around.

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