Ohmygod it’s night! And I did what?

My first mistake was deciding to not go swimming after going to the dentist. “It’s a half an hour walk there and back,” I thought. “That’s enough exercise for the day.” Except the day fell apart after that. I’ve got a to-do list a mile long, and what did I do today?

– Wrote a new to-do list.

There is one bright spot in a couple of hours. Tonight we rehearse with the orchestra, and that is always such a pleasure. I will also get to hear the voices of those who will be singing around me. I already know I’ve got one great bass beside me, so, so far so good.

A rare shot of all three of us together. It’s hard to make out just what is going on in this photograph, but I’m sitting in a chair (doing nothing) with Finney on my lap (who is being nice and not killing the kitten) and Bleeck beside me on the chair (who is also being nice by not doing anything kill-worthy for five minutes straight).

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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