Obsessed with Watching Shaggy

I’ve posted before about the wonderful dog rescuer Eldad Hagar and Hope for Paws. He went down to South Carolina to rescue a dog and for the past two days I’ve been watching a live stream of him and the dog in a hotel room. (I spent yesterday on the couch with the inaugural on the tv and Eldad and Shaggy on my computer.)

You can read more about Shaggy’s backstory on Eldad’s Facebook page. He’ll make a video of the rescue eventually. Now if you will excuse me, I’m going back to not getting any work done.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “Obsessed with Watching Shaggy

  1. Wow, went to the “Hope for Paws” rescue website, watched a few of their videos. Amazing and inspiring work they are doing, saving abandoned street dogs. Sad, but uplifting too.

    Thanks for info.

    Hope your bone graft is continuing to heal.

  2. I’ve been following Eldad’s website for a few years…but didn’t know that he had a live feed going, so thanks for this info. What an amazing man and organization.
    Good to hear that your dental surgery was a success!

  3. I can’t stop watching, and the only reason I’m not watching now is because Eldad and Shaggy are at the vet!

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