Oscar Night

It’s absurd how much I look forward to and enjoy Oscar night. I marvel about this ever year. Why do I care? And it’s not that I care exactly. For the past few years I haven’t seen most of the films and performances nominated. (So opposite of the days when I saw everything, good or bad, I love movies so much.)

I think I just enjoy the excuse to kick back and wallow in light entertainment, and I love fashion. So I will be here Sunday, all day pretty much, watching all the pre-shows, following all the live blogs, total Oscar immersion.

To Do: Buy Oscar watching snacks. In the old days that meant onion dip and potato chips, which essentially became my dinner on Oscar night, but these days I find a healthier alternative. It has to be just as delicious, though. Actually more delicious, like some wonderful cheese and fruits.

My keyword stuffing attempt for the day: Baby sloths sleeping with puppies, baby sloths sleeping with puppies, baby sloths sleeping with puppies. Porn.

This is looking towards the Hudson River on my way down to, as usual, the Municipal Archives.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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