Amy’s Baking Company, Because I can’t keep reading about Syria

This morning, I read this article about Syria. Pretty much one of the most hopeless articles I’ve read in some time. What can I do? What can be done? (Not a rhetorical question, I’m open to suggestions.)

I had much more fun yesterday, following the story of Amy’s Baking Company. By the end of the day they claimed that they’d been hacked. Given that for years they’ve been responding in this way to criticism, that’s a little hard to swallow. An article from 2010, describes similar meltdowns when they received bad reviews on Yelp. You can go back and read what they wrote at the time and make up your own mind.

Meanwhile, just how big is Bleeck? I’m used to 20+ pound cats, so when someone recently told me he was big, I was flummoxed. I just weighed him. 11.9. Come on, that’s teeny, right?


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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6 thoughts on “Amy’s Baking Company, Because I can’t keep reading about Syria

  1. Bleeck is tiny! I have a giant orange boy, 15.5 lbs of bone and muscle. I recently brought home a sister for him, and at 11.5 lbs she seems perfectly petite to me. :O)

    Makes me realize how very small my previous little cat girl was, slightly overweight at 10 lbs! She was barely 7 lbs by the time I said goodbye to her though :O( (she fought cancer, like Buddy, and that’s how I first came across your blog).

  2. Oh, I’m so sorry. That must have been fairly recently then. But congratulations on the new addition! I was just telling a friend whose cat died last month, a kitten brings joy to a house. AS THEY DESTROY IT.

  3. It’s a while ago now, as I decided to let her rest in December 2012, after a long fight but with some really good days at the end thanks to chemo (that didn’t last, sadly). I thought I’d never be ready for another cat, but then eight months later I met Norbert at the shelter where I volunteered and that was it. And now I also have Mimi (formerly known as Laika) and they are finally starting to get along.

    They are quite the celebrities, actually, as Mimi came with many fans from her days as “kitten cam mama.” If you care to follow our little family on facebook, the address is :O)

  4. I’m looking right now. You have a vet who does house calls?????????? Oh, ha, I went over to the Critter Room because I wanted to see Mimi with her kittens and there’s a picture of you!

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