Amazing Web Site to Explore All Music

A friend pointed me to Every Noise at Once. Someone created this so anyone can explore a kazillion genres of music [I counted, it’s exactly a kazillion], and from all time it looks like. Someone is Glenn McDonald, I see. I started with Renaissance, and it played something by Purcell, but then if you click on the arrow, it explodes into this packed page of more choices of composers from this period. Oh, and contemporary performers of music from this period.

That’s just what I hit first. If you look at the main page there are so many genres to choose from—if you’re like me there are tons you’ve never even heard of. It’s an insane amount of work for what, the sheer love of it? Ah, I see McDonald works for The Echo Nest, “The Echo Nest is the world’s leading music intelligence company.” Jesus. The world is getting so much better. Some things are getting better more quickly than others obviously. And sadly.

But the fact that things like this are someone’s job though, is definitely in the world-is-getting-better category. Thank you Glenn McDonald, this is GREAT.

I passed by a couple of shoots in the Meatpacking District the other day.

Photo Shoot, Meatpacking District, New York City

At least, I think this one below was for a shoot. The platform this car was on was so wobbly I practically had an anxiety attack watching them. You could see it sway back and forth. I just got out of there.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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