Free Haircut and Color Results

I realize that over the years, aside from my aging, all these pictures I post of myself look exactly the same! I should go through my blog and pull them together and do a “Stacy’s Haircuts Over the Years.”

Yesterday was hair-makeover-day. Earlier this summer, at the raffle held at the benefit for the Choral Society of Grace Church, I won a new haircut from the fabulous stylist Lisa Fiorentino. We scheduled my haircut for the same day I was getting my hair colored for free as part of the Bumble & Bumble Model Project. Bumble & Bumble gives free haircuts and coloring if you agree to let their students do it, which is a great deal because the students are experienced stylists who are just learning a new technique.

Here are some shots from my webcam of the results. They don’t really show the cut well. Lisa gave me a lot of layers which I can play around with, making them go all different directions, which looks all swingy and fun. When Bumble & Bumble blew it dry after the color they blew it straight and under, which is fine, just not as interesting.

Notice how I look best in the pictures where I’m wearing glasses. When I first got glasses in my twenties, people still thought glasses made you look bad and everyone got contacts. I loved how I looked in glasses right from the start. I think these pictures demonstrate why.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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10 thoughts on “Free Haircut and Color Results

  1. Eye glasses raise a person’s perceived IQ on average by 10 points. Well, that’s my theory. I’ve worn glasses since I was in the 4th grade and have NEVER been tempted to get contacts (just the thought of them make me go “eeeeeuww”.)
    Anyway, very nice glasses and an excellent haircut. I like all the layers around your face.

  2. Me too, can’t stand the idea of contacts. Thank god glasses look as good as they do.

    And thank you!! I’m so happy with the cut and color.

  3. I agree, I like the glasses. Haircut looks bouncy and cute. And… you actually smiled in one of the pictures. It’s nice to see the smile come back!

  4. It’s because of these temps I have in. They look funny when I smile. It didn’t look too bad in that one so I included it, but thank you!

  5. I have to get a decent pic of me wearing them. They’re Tiffany, and I’m just loving them!

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