No Fashion’s Night Out This Year

Damnit! I was just thinking it was about time for the yearly Fashion’s Night Out. This is when my neighborhood and all other fashion-oriented areas in the City throw great big fashion parties. Many stores serve wine (which I can’t drink, alas) and there are always give-aways, which is fun. The best part for me is all the people walking around, dressed to the nines. I love checking out everyone’s outfits! It’s all very glittery, with lights and cameras flashing—a fashion carnival.

Every year though, it’s gotten smaller and smaller. The first year Perry Street was blocked off and there were bands and booths and lots of stars. Nothing like that happens now, and not all the stores participate. I was already wondering if it had turned out to be not worth the expense. Sure enough, when I tried to find out what night it was going to be I read that there won’t be a Fashion’s Night Out this year. SO SAD.

Oh Fashion’s Night Out, I’m so sorry you couldn’t make it work. Here are my posts about Fashion’s Night out from previous years: 2010, 2011, 2012.

Even though it’s been nine years (how can that be, how can that be??) since the last Sex and the City episode, people still crowd around the apartment where all the outdoor shots for Carrie Bradshaw’s apartment were filmed.

Sex and the City, Perry Street

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “No Fashion’s Night Out This Year

  1. Too bad about fashion night. I guess someone has to organize it and no one felt like it this year. For several years, I organized a condo BBQ since I was on the board. FInally, after not much participation, I got tired of it and suggested someone else run it. Result: we haven’t had a BBQ for the last 3 years.

    More sad than that however, was the end of Queen’s Mini U.
    They started it in 2008 because students were so rowdy during homecoming that they cancelled homecoming. It was held in the spring and combined with reunions. The mini u part was just the best! There were one-off lectures by the interesting profs on a huge range of subjects, like climate change, rehab therapy, art, wind power, etc. Anyone could attend for a long weekend and there were socials and lunch and stuff. I can’t believe they just gave it up as a weekend event, now that homecoming has been re-instituted. Oh well, as William Hurt said in “Michael,” “nothing lasts forever, not even Mesopotamia.”

  2. You would think with the high end stores moving into your area, Fashion’s Night Out would be an ever bigger thing. shows how much I know about marketing.

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