Tedx Montclair – Eat, Play, Live

I’m going to be speaking at a Tedx event at Montclair State University on November 9th. From their website:

“What we do, what we eat, where we live and even how we think, significantly impacts our physical and emotional wellbeing. TEDxMontclair will take place on November 9, 2013 at Montclair State University at 9:00am. The independently organized day-long event, licensed by TED, will feature talks focusing on the theme EAT, PLAY, LIVE. This event is designed to inspire action that will create a healthier community.”

I’ll be addressing the “play” theme. Because I know how to play, baby. That’s me playing in the photograph. Except that was taken before I started all my dental work so I immediately examined it to compare how I look now to then (my upper lip looks different now, but only I would notice).

If you’d like to attend the cost for the whole day is a measly $50. It’s a steal! I’m sure all the speakers are great, but Jon Katz stood out for me because he writes about dogs. DOGS. Who doesn’t love dogs?? You can register here.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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