YOU can sing in a choir or chorus by Richard J. Faber

The book, YOU can sing in a choir or chorus, arrived in my mailbox recently, along with a lovely letter from the author, Richard J. Faber.

This is the perfect book for people who want to sing in a choir, but have zero experience, can’t read music and are afraid to start. Faber begins at the absolute beginning, he even covers how to learn a piece of music if you can’t read a single note.

His advice along those lines, by the way, make sense even if you can read music. I could read music when I first joined my choir, but I learned to read music in order to play piano and I didn’t really have the skill of translating the notes I could read into song. Until I developed that ability, when I first joined the choir I basically did everything he suggests in his book.

Oh wow. I just googled Faber to find a picture of him and I found this article about how he was awarded the French Legion of Honor medal in 2011 for his service during WWII. The photograph is from the article and it was taken by Blaine T. Shahan.

Faber has a long history of singing in a variety of choral groups (envy!) and he knows how great it feels and how fun it is. His desire for the reader to not miss out on this wonderful thing rings throughout his book.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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