This Will Be My Last Lap Swim Contest Post

Except for daily updates at the end of my posts about how many miles I’ve swum. So! We have 25 days to swim 25 miles. That means I have to swim every one of those days and I have to swim more than a mile if I want to win 1st, 2nd or 3rd.

Update: I just realized I thought the contest ended on August 8th, but it ends on August 29th! I’m such an idiot. We have 40 days to swim 25 miles. Piece o’ cake! (I went back and fixed the date on earlier posts.) I just realized my mistake, the contest for who swims the most miles ends on August 8th. So whatever you have swum by that point counts for that contest.

1st place is out of the question however, if the woman who won last year stays in the competition. Last night in the same amount of time she swam 274 laps and I swam 204. In my defense, I kept getting cramps for some reason and I found I didn’t get them if I swam back or breast stroke, the slowest strokes. But I thought about it. I have to swim freestyle at a moderate rate in order to swim longer. I only swam the slower stokes for about a quarter of the time. Had I swum freestyle the whole time I probably would have only picked up another 10 laps. If that. Honestly, I’d be happy just to get 3rd place again and ecstatic if I come in 2nd.

Current Miles Swum Tally: 3 + 68 laps.

They were shooting the tv show Blue Collar yesterday in the Meat Packing district. I didn’t see any stars, alas.

Blue Collar TV Show Shoot, Meatpacking District, NYC

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “This Will Be My Last Lap Swim Contest Post

  1. Stacy, You have set the bar high. All the best to you. You might want to take some potassium for those cramps. I used to get cramps on the sides of my feet but not anymore.

    Michael of Rockford

  2. I’ve started eating more bananas. I bought Gatorade too, for the electrolytes but I hate the taste of it! I’m going to have to find another source.

  3. Dark greens, sweet potatoes, avocados, white beans and any of the dried legumes, orange squashes like acorn and butternut, and yogurt are all higher in potassium than bananas. And yummy!

    My husband had some heart issues. We’re heartily sick of bananas, but never tire of guacamole, white bean dip (made with lemon juice, garlic and olive oil), baked sweet potatoes and acorn squash, sauteed spinach, and nonfat yogurt. All are very simple to prepare and delicious.

    Gatorade is not good for you.

  4. Thank you for telling me. I just dumped the rest of the Gatorade. Hated the taste!!

    Guacamole and white bean dip sound a thousand times better!!! Thanks for letting me know!

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