I Hope the Crashed Tardis on Perry Street Will be Back!

I can’t wait for Halloween this year! Last year, for the first time in almost twenty years, I didn’t drum in the Halloween Parade. Drumming in that parade is one of the joys of my life (I wrote about learning to drum in order to do it in Waiting for My Cats to Die). But for some reason I didn’t drum last year and had an amazing, fantastic time walking around my neighborhood.

What I’ve been missing every year because I don’t get home until late, when the streets are taken over by drunken college kids (which is actually a different kind of fun, I’m not complaining) is how my neighborhood is transformed by mini-theatre-like events or tableaus, mostly for the benefit of children, but are entertaining for everyone. I’m sure I must have posted about them last year. Oh yes, I posted a lot about what I saw. Here’s one with a brief movie, and here’s another with a couple of good shots.

I’m thinking I will forego drumming again this year to walk around and enjoy the sights. The crashed Tardis on Perry Street is one of the highlights! Every year I strive to get a picture that really shows how great this is and every year I don’t quite capture it’s full glory. Some attempts here and here. This year will be my year!

This is not a Halloween decoration (I don’t think!). Just a kinda creepy front yard due to that half mannequin.

Creepy Yard, 11th Street, West Village, New York City

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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