More of the Best Halloween Decorations, NYC, 2014

There’s still no Tardis, which concerns me. I hope the people who normally put it up are okay. Maybe they just moved away.

But the people on 11th Street came through. This is the place which had the creepy girl on the swing last year. They were never going to be able to top that, but they still did a great job. Thank you people on 11th Street and West 4th! This is all at one house, by the way.

I just remembered! Last year, it wasn’t until Halloween that you saw the best part about the little girl on the swing, when she started to swing and sing that haunting little song. (See that here.) I wonder if any of these will do something more tomorrow?

I’m going to cut to the chase and start with my favorite first. Here she is close-up. Stunning!

Halloween, West Village, New York City, 2014

This is pulled back a little, so you can see her in context. Absolutely incredible. Whoever does this is such an artist.

Halloween, West Village, New York City, 2014

They had another creepy hanging girl to the right. Are girls just scarier?

Halloween, West Village, New York City, 2014

They are when they they are crawling up out of the ground!

Halloween, West Village, New York City, 2014

You don’t have to tell me that cats are evil! I’ve got one curled up on my lap right now, plotting my destruction.

Halloween, West Village, New York City, 2014

Poor dogs. They just die I guess. They do not zombify and come back to kill you.

Halloween, West Village, New York City, 2014

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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