Spring Cleaning Begins on Thursday

For those who follow my blog you know that every year I make a BIG deal of spring cleaning. This year I’m going to conduct a heartless pare-down and culling. I’ve already gotten rid of one steamer trunk worth of papers, pictured below. For me, nothing feels better than having fewer possessions. This trunk is now filled with copies of my books, which used to be tucked into all available corners around the apartment and are now are all in one place. So satisfying.

But the real, serious cleaning begins on Thursday.

Another thing I’m planning is transferring my video tapes to digital files. These are mostly news pieces about Echo, and if the transferring process isn’t too expensive I’ll go ahead with it and post snippets from them here. Might make an interesting early social media history lesson.

One of Finney’s favorite spots is on the steamer trunk that is now filled with books. He likes it because it’s harder for Bleecker to get at him here. Most of Finney’s favorite spots now are hard-for-Bleecker-to-reach spots.

Steamer Trunk and Finney

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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