Halloween in the West Village 2015

I have more to come. Some of the decorations I saw will be better at night, so I’ll shoot them on Halloween. But here are some shots from a short walk I took around my neighborhood this afternoon. Thank you so much creative people!

I loved the expression on their faces. Don’t you just love the smiling one? Vomiting pumpkins is a big thing this year apparently, but the only one I came across today was old and already starting to rot so it had lost it’s great effect.

Halloween, West Village, New York City 2015

This cocooned thing was nice and creepy.

Halloween, West Village, New York City 2015

I especially loved things coming out of the ground.

Halloween, West Village, New York City 2015

Another skeleton coming out of the ground.

Halloween, West Village, New York City 2015

And hands coming out of a planter.

Halloween, West Village, New York City 2015

I almost missed these fingers in this window box, it was so subtle. Anyway, I’ll be back with more. And hopefully, of course, the crashed Tardis on Perry Street!

Halloween, West Village, New York City 2015

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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