Public Speaking is in my near future. A lot.

My fabulous publicist at Algonquin Books is setting up lots of readings and events for my book, which I should start listing, and I’ve been working on presentations to get ready.

At the moment I’m glad for the events, but also terrified. I’ve done this so many times now. This is my sixth book. When am I going to stop being so scared??

That building in Gramercy Park. That I don’t get to live in.

Gramercy Park Building

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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3 thoughts on “Public Speaking is in my near future. A lot.

  1. Since Algonquin is in North Carolina, are they setting up anything for you down south, such as Malaprops in Durham or McIntyre’s in Fearrington Village or our wonderful Scuppernong’s here Greensboro?

  2. Scared is good, Stacy, and you can take it from me as an expert (as yes, in a previous life, I wrote a book on public speaking for librarians, and librarians skew heavily toward the introverted, so we know a little something about being scared around a lot of people). Scared means you’re going to prepare and take it seriously and really want people to enjoy and learn from your talks. All of those things mean you’re going to give great presentations!

    Can’t Algonquin spring for an all-expenses-paid vacation for you to lovely Wisconsin, so you can come to a bookshop near me? 🙂

  3. Nothing is planned for me that I can’t get to easily, so only New York and close by states.

    I wish I could to to North Carolina and Wisconsin!

    CR, thanks for your words of encouragement. I’m going to try to remember them.

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