Don’t take the subway??

They’re recommending people over 60 stay home. I’m 63. What am I supposed to do, not go to work?? AND, don’t take the subway. What am I supposed to do, walk crosstown and up 90 blocks?? Twice a day?? It’s actually a walk I’d love to take but that would probably take me at least an hour. It’s not practical. EXCEPT. It takes me that long by subway. I must be over-estimating my walking speed.

They also say don’t go to events with more than 250 people. Again, in NYC you’re going to be among over 250 people just hitting the street.

A very old phone booth at the 42nd Street library! Sigh.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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8 thoughts on “Don’t take the subway??

  1. I think you answered your own question. You are not “elderly” and as long as you are healthy, I say go on the subway and just be aware of your surroundings. This virus is not lethal in the ordinary sense. Kids don’t even get it. But it spreads very fast, so many of us will come down with it and survive without hospitalization. Drink orange juice. I’m anxious to hear Biden’s speech today on the country’s response to the virus. May sharper minds prevail to get through this.

    Love the photo – 🙂

  2. I may have been a bit too blase’ – the “facts” keep changing and it’s hard to discern the truth. Mortality rates are high and they aren’t all people in rest homes. So be vigilant and as informed as possible. There is too much the public doesn’t know. Perhaps you could bring your little orphan kitties home with you until this subsides.

  3. I live near Dallas where there are a few cases (tested) of the virus. I do not listen to the governor here and the mayor of my suburb did put out a statement. He didn’t even look into the camera and spoke very mildly about the whole situation. So we need Beto to come out of El Paso and give us some guidance. 🙂

    I listened to your Governor Cuomo this morning and he is wonderful! He spent so much time detailing the threat we are facing and what we could expect. The Ohio and Washington state governors have also been good for information and comfort. Locally the librairies and schools are closed. I did not go to a family event last Saturday. Social media (Nextdoor) in my area argue back and forth about the real seriousness of our situation. Some make jokes. But many neighbors offer their services to anyone needing a helping hand in getting medicines or groceries, etc. So as Mr. Rogers said, “look for the helpers”.

  4. Rebecca, Cuomo is not the nicest guy in the world, and I have mixed feelings about him, but he is doing a good job in this crisis, I do have to give him that.

    How are you doing? Are things still okay for you?

  5. I’m a bit terrified, but I’m staying home and so far so good. I worry about my loved ones though. My oldest daughter is an oncology nurse so she is at some risk just being in a hospital. Her cancer patients could always come down with the virus. Sometimes I get this irrational urge to just go out and mingle with the masses; if I get the damn virus then come what may! Total insanity, I know.

    It looks like you will be off the streets, now with so many in NY being tested positive and Cuomo cracking down hard. Same with California. I wonder if they are telling us everything they know….. so, I take my temperature several times a day. I rake leaves. I text my daughters and try to read. I feed the birds and the woodpeckers. I draw Runes, they calm me.

  6. Your daughter is one of the heroes. I hope she’s okay, and remains okay.

    I just came back from a walk, I take one every day. It makes me feel better. I try to run an errand in addition to going for a walk. I’d rake leaves if I could, and feed the birds. (I used to feed the bird but I had to stop, the people in my building complained because I had attracted tons of pigeons to our building.)

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