Please Help Birds

The Wild Bird Fund posted this on their Facebook page (I’m sorry for the upsetting photograph, but I’m hoping it will lead to your emailing these people, as it did for me):

One morning, one building: 28 birds dead, 2 found alive. These are all migrants, most have flown thousands of miles to be here only to crash into a condo building’s windows.

This happened at Circa Central Park, a glass-fronted building recently constructed right next to Central Park, one of the most important migratory stopovers on the East Coast. These deaths occur daily here every spring and fall.

There are many solutions, but the building owners have to implement them. If you’d like to voice your concerns, consider calling or emailing:

And if you’d like to help us during this intense time, we thank you:

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “Please Help Birds

  1. Thanks for bringing this issue to your readers. Birds are decreasing in population. Migratory birds have it especially hard. Mourning doves and other birds were crashing into my dormer windows that reflect the sky. I haven’t had the windows cleaned and that has stopped the problem. I’m looking into getting decals for the windows at some point. Life without our feathered friends would be a great loss. But then that seems to be where the earth is headed for all species.

  2. We were working on this, but Nathan has to leave now because a friend of ours had a black-throated blue warbler fly into the side of her house and he’s laying there on the sidewalk. So he’s off to attempt to save it. I’ll keep working on this. It’s actually good practice. I’m personally just learning how to ID warblers.

  3. Kristi, I’m impressed if you guys can name to poor birds.

    Rebecca, thank you for not cleaning your windows and for looking into what else you can do. My heart just broke seeing this photograph.

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