My New Favorite Author: Yoko Ogawa

I just read her book, The Memory Police. I can’t stop thinking about it. It was both beautiful and moving and horrifying at the same time. Anything I post might give something away. I’m deciding which of her books to read next, except I have a few books in line ahead of her. It’s probably just as well, because I need to take a break from books that can be upsetting and all her books look like they tend to be upsetting. Except Just Mercy is one of the books in line and that looks like a heart breaker. In any case, I highly recommend The Memory Police. It’s exquisite.

My picture today is of Bleecker relaxing within inches of … oh God, who is that? Bali? Bodhi? I’m not sure. Anyway, for the past year I’ve been dealing with a cat behavior issue and it seems like it’s finally over. Bali and Bodhi had started chasing and tormenting Bleecker until he couldn’t be in the same room with them. They still chase him from time to time, but I remembered they always did. And Bali would chase Bodhi, and Bodhi would chase Bali. But it would end and they would all still be friends.

The only thing that hasn’t gone back to normal is Bali used to love Bleecker. Bleecker was indifferent to him, but Bali would do everything he could to be close and curled up near Bleecker, and sometimes Bleecker would let him. Bali doesn’t try anymore. Unless that’s him below.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “My New Favorite Author: Yoko Ogawa

  1. I love Japanese authors or books about Japan – I do not know why! I used to read Junichuro Tanizaki and for a long time he was my favorite author.

    I read Ogawa’s “The Housekeeper and the Professor” years ago and loved it, so I’m glad to hear about the other books.

  2. I was trying to decide which of her books to read next and it was between that one, The Housekeeper and the Professor, or a book of short stories called Revenge. I went for Revenge but now I’m afraid I made the wrong decision. They look like they are going to be upsetting and I’m so frail these days. But we shall see. I have two books ahead it it. I’m going to check out Junichuro Tanizaki!

  3. Yes, this is no time to read upsetting fiction as the world around us is so fraught with unknown consequences. Rest in peace RBG, a true Warrior.

    If you try Tanizaki, “Some Prefer Nettles” is a classic and “Diary of a Mad Old Man”. You would enjoy “A Cat a Man and Two Women” too. He had a foot fetish that shows up in several of his works, but humor was always a component as I recall.

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