Halloween 2020

It certainly wasn’t as crowded and insane as it usually is, but people were still out and about. They still decorated their stoops and gave out candy (in various socially distant ways).

Halloween, New York City, 2020

The Tardis crashed on Perry Street as it always does. That building must have mystical Tardis-drawing power.

Halloween, New York City, 2020

My favorite building with signs paid a touching tribute to RBG. (Sob.)

Halloween, New York City, 2020

People were creative and fun. I almost missed this, but I look down more these days to avoid tripping.

Halloween, New York City, 2020

The spider came down the Jefferson Market tower.

Halloween, New York City, 2020

People watched. There were a lot more people than this but I would have had to stand in the street to get them all.

Halloween, New York City, 2020

Families were out and about in costume. Mom and dad! Where are your masks? (I wouldn’t want to have covered up those sparkles either.)

Halloween, New York City, 2020

All the outdoor seating was taken everywhere.

Halloween, New York City, 2020

And at my last stop, where I got a slice of pizza before heading home, the Easter Bunny.

Halloween, New York City, 2020

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “Halloween 2020

  1. Okay, now that I’ve pulled myself away from watching the s-l-o-w election returns, I’ve looked more closely at these great Halloween pictures you took. The RBG window sillouette is pure genius! We must never forget! But the others are comical and such fun, aren’t they? The time machine phone booth and the monster under the walk way! New York must be such a great place to live. You are blessed.

  2. Hi Rebecca. I’ve got CNN on right now, I can’t take it. Finish the counts please (but I understand how overwhelmed you are poll workers, I don’t mean to complain).

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