
Well, thank God. Biden has his work cut out for him, so I can’t relax exactly, but still. I can hope again. For some reason though, today I am back to feeling anxious. It must have to do with the emotions one experiences after getting out of an abusive relationship that lots of people are writing about and explaining.

I don’t know what to do about how divided our county is and the 70 million people who thought Trump was just fine. Some people will grudgingly admit that maybe he wasn’t such a great human being, but their 401k’s are doing just fine, so … fuck all the people who are being hurt and dying (and I’m not just referring to people dying because of COVID)? Fuck all the rollbacks hurting our environment and animals? His support of dictators? Our standing with the rest of the world and our allies? His denial of science and all the repercussions from that?

I don’t know how to find a middle ground, especially when people have been convinced that the lies they’ve been told are true and actual facts are not. I take heart that Biden has had experience with working with people on both sides of the aisle.

But today I am anxious. Because we’re still in a pandemic and I can’t go back to normal yet. Oh! That brought up a happy thought. Look at Biden’s advisory board:

“Biden’s transition team on Monday announced members of his coronavirus advisory board, which will be led by former Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy, former US Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Dr. David Kessler and Yale University’s Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith. Other members are Dr. Luciana Borio, Rick Bright, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, Dr. Atul Gawande, Dr. Celine Gounder, Dr. Julie Morita, Michael Osterholm, Loyce Pace, Dr. Robert Rodriguez and Dr. Eric Goosby.”

Will Dr. Fauci play a role?? Googling. He will ask Fauci to remain! Good.

I was going through my library of photographs recently and I pulled out a couple I wanted to do something with. This was one of them. I just like it. It’s a view from my roof.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “Decompressing

  1. That photo is really, really beautiful!

    The Trump thing that got me down the most was the border separations of parents from their babies. I mean what kind of human being orders that kind of action in our country? The crying children put into a cage and given foil blankets. Some were nursing babies. Who carries out orders like that and will they be prosecuted? If Biden’s justice dept. looks the other way, I’ll have a hard time accepting his reason.

  2. Biden is in a no-win situation. The country is horribly and violently divided and he wants to bring people together. Prosecution won’t help, but I agree with you it must be done. If nothing else, something must happen to prevent this from happening again. Something that would be very very very hard to un-do.

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