I Should Go Out for More Walks

Because I would see things like this. A magical view, no? That building almost doesn’t look real.

Central Park, New York City

But, then I also see things like this. You are the poison! I feel for people who are afraid to get the vaccine. Then stay home, and wear a mask if you must leave your house.

Anti-Vaxxer Sign, New York City

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “I Should Go Out for More Walks

  1. Not only is the building beautiful, I like the fence and the trees too, and what is that in the upper right? A blimp? Cool photo.
    I’m not really in the business of pushing vaccines on people, but I also don’t understand why you’d go out of your way to call them poison on a sign. I’m really trying to teach the kids, you know, did you make that sign? Go through the work of putting it up? No? Then let’s not deface or destroy, it, huh?

  2. You are so nice to teach your kids that. That said, I have to admit I mostly like to see what people write on signs, even if I disagree with them, like this time.

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