More details to come once I know them, but I’m very excited. It was the only book of mine that wasn’t available in an ebook edition. I need to think of ways to promote it. I was told it could happen as soon as late March/early April. That is blazingly fast! UPDATE: It’s going to be available on April 2nd.
OWS has gotten a lot of play, but what you may not know is New Yorkers are always yelling about or protesting something. I took this yesterday at Union Square.
I am a voracious reader and happily have a Nook to carry with me wherever I go. I am not that much of a snob where I will only read a hard cover/trade paperback (I read everything and anything – telephone books, encyclopedias, cereal boxes. If it is printed, I read it) as some people who comment on e-readers seem to be.
I’m heading off to Arizona tomorrow for a week’s vacation. Can you imagine trying to carry 78 hardcover books (which is how many I have in my Nook currently) on the plane?
The only drawback is how do I get you to autograph an e-book?
I’m dying to own a Kindle! I’m not a snob either, but I will miss when my books don’t come out in a version I can put on the shelves and admire. Oh, and I won’t be able to go into a bookstore and squeal when I see it on the shelves there!!
Congrats!!! Waiting for My Cats to Die is one of my all-time favourite books!!
I own a Kindle — i spend about 2.5 to 3 hours a day on the bus and it’s SO much easier to carry a Kindle instead of schlepping around a heavy book.
Thank you for saying that!!
And lucky you guys to have Kindles!!