Post Performance Letdown

Actually, I’m mostly sad because I’m leaving for a wake soon. But I wanted to mention that after our concert last night, I passed by a sign on my way out of the church. It was a picture of Greg Niclas, a member of the choir who died on Christmas morning last year. I should have taken a picture, (I have no short term memory anymore, it seems) I just remember that along with his Greg’s handsome, smiling face were words that said something nice.

Greg’s family continues to blow my mind. Here they are, they’ve lost Greg, but while they grieve they also donated to our choir and encouraged others to do so, and for one of our rehearsals this semester they brought us wine (and also brownies I believe) and then came to hear us practice.

Where does such strength and heart come from? How are amazing people like this made? If I lost someone like Greg I probably wouldn’t be able to function for a long time. I’d lie down, curl up in a ball, and I wouldn’t get up for months. Here I am, feeling sad because our concert is over, but Greg’s family must be feeling so much worse. Greg will never get to sing anything ever again. His family will never get to go to one of his concerts ever again. One can only imagine what they must be feeling and yet they thought of us. In the midst of their grief they are also bursting with kindness, generosity and love to an extent I really can’t fathom. I can only hope for a fraction of this same strength for my oldest and dearest friend, who will be saying goodbye to her youngest son today.

Here are a couple of screenshots from the brief movies I shot at the end of our concert last night.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “Post Performance Letdown

  1. Gregory Niclas was a beautiful man who
    is dearly missed. The beauty of your choir,
    its angelic music, and the spirit of the dear
    Niclas family,shared love to a packed house.
    It was a night bit to be forgotten, just like Gregory.

  2. My dear stacy – What a wonderful testament. Greg was like a son to me and we indeed miss him terribly. He was a shining star among our midst. Thank you for your kind words. We enjoyed your music, remarked in the ability for you to stand so long 🙂 and delight in the fact that we all remember greg for so many different things. He will never be forgotten.

  3. Peggy and Irene I’m so sorry for your loss. And Irene, ha. It’s a challenge. It’s easier when you’re not in the front, you can fidget and change your position without it being as noticeable.

  4. I will got during that glorious Choral Concert and tribute to Gregory. I am deeply honored to say that his parents are my very dear friends, and I am so proud of the courage and generosity they have displayed all thru this tragic time for them.
    The feeling of exaltation engulfed me throughout that magnificent concert, and it was bittersweet, knowing how much joy his participation in that Choral Society gave
    to Greg.
    His presence was truly felt that wonderful evening, and I know his impact on that group, and all that knew him, will never be forgotten.

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