Spring in New York City

This is on 11th Street and only reason I took this shot was because the cherry blossoms were pink. The back story is not particularly interesting, but I took this shot as proof to myself that my brain isn’t completely gone. See self? There are pink blossoms on 11th Street.

Cherry Blossoms, 11th Street, New York City

Gramercy Park. A gated park that you and I may not enjoy but we can still see the flowers inside. I prefer a less manicured park myself, but it’s still lovely.

Gramercy Park, New York City

Also in Gramercy Park. I don’t know what these are called, but these flowers always bring back my childhood. I see them and I’m back in Centerport, LI, playing by the streams and ponds in the woods. I will never forgetting getting up before dawn with my brothers to go out and pick wildflowers and catch salamanders. Ohmygod those poor salamanders. Going along, enjoying their salamander life, and then they’re plucked away from it by some thoughtless child! I hate my former child self!

Gramercy Park, New York City

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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