Thank you Scott and Mickey!

My friends Scotty and Mickey dropped off this plant outside my door a couple of hours ago, isn’t it beautiful? I think it was voted “Prettiest Plant in Manhattan.” I’m pretty sure it was.

The gargoyle is trying to eat it so it may also be the tastiest plant in Manhattan.

Thank you Scotty and Mickey!! I love it!!

I’ve got the Emmy pre-show on in the background, I’m waiting for the stars to arrive so I can assess their outfits and hair. I like to compare myself to actresses in my age range (Geena Davis, Holly Hunter, etc.). They always look better of course, but still.

Plus I have a huge crush on Debra Winger’s husband Arliss Howard from when he played Captain Push on Medium (please please bring this character back, PLEASE).

Can’t wait for NPH. And for Jim Parsons to please win an Emmy!!

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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