Here Doggie!

Dogrun.jpg Whenever I pass a dog run I stop and watch the dogs for a while, especially when there’s a French Bulldog among them, which I can pretty much count on these days. They are one of the “it” dogs currently. Love these little guys. But when I get a dog I’m still getting a chihuahua. I need a dog I can easily carry up and down five flights.

I’m on a mini-vacation, but I haven’t really been vacationing much. Haven’t seen a movie, gone to a gallery or museum, read a book. What have I done?? One day I bought a really delicious sandwich (Note to self: go back to that place) and sat on the Hudson River and ate it while reading a decent book. That was what, two hours out of a whole week?

Seriously, I’ve got to get down to vacationing-business. Forget a movie today. Now there will be weekend crowds. Same with museums. Maybe I’ll try learning a song on the banjo? Or, go back to the sandwich place and then sit in Union Square and relax?

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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