On The Roof at the Met

I just pointed my camera over the heads of the crowd on the roof at the Metropolitan Museum of Art last night. One guy on the right apparently didn’t like that! Cool shot though, right? No one in the crowd is over the age of 18, I don’t think. Look at them!

But it was lovely strolling through the new Greek and Roman galleries with my friend Dimitra, and then hanging out in a diner, just gabbing, which I haven’t done in so long. Just hanging out without a purpose. And I almost cancelled because I was feeling stressed out and having a crisis of confidence about my book. My inner dialogue was going something like, “Ohmygod. Look at my editor’s notes. I can’t do that!! Now what do I do?? Mommy.” It passed. Today I look at the same notes and I’m all, “No problem. I’m good at exactly what she is asking me to do.”

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “On The Roof at the Met

  1. Very cool photo!
    I just got a comment on my blog about you! – “I think Stacy Horn is great”. She must have seen my link to you on my “blogs I read” list. Thought I would pass it on 🙂

  2. Thank you for passing that comment on!! You are absoultely right, compliments are great, especially out of the blue and unsolicited like that. Thank you!

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