Some Build Colliders, Some Build … This

I took this a few weeks ago, while on a walk up the Hudson River.  My first thought was, ‘That’s kinda ugly and tacky,’ and I walked around and learned that the big H on the wall stood for Hustler Magazine.  I have nothing against porn, yay porn, but what can I say?  Perhaps pornographers are not the best decorators.

I like my subway picture below, by the way. It’s very Edward Hopper-esque, don’t you think?  Oh, and before I forget, I posted the missing persons flyer for Hannah Upp, and she has since been found.  From Gothamist: “The Daily News reports that Hannah Upp, the NYC Teaching Fellow missing since August 29, was found hours ago after she ‘jumped into the chilly waters off Staten Island in an apparent suicide attempt.’ The News says Upp ‘jumped off of a pier on the Staten Island side…[and] was found about a mile off Staten Island’s St. George section just before noon.'”

Sad, but not as sad as it could have been.  Meanwhile, the constantly fluctuating headlines about the stock market are driving me crazy.  I’m not going to worry, or rather, I’m trying not to worry.  I tell myself there’s worse things than losing all your money, and plenty of people don’t have any to lose in the first place.  For me the worst is anxiety attacks, and as long as I am not suffering from them, life is a piece of cake. Okay, terminal illness and death is worse. Bottomline, I am not suffereing from any of those so take my money IF YOU MUST.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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