I bought three plants, and three pretty pots to put them in to get ready for the shelf my friend is going to put up for me tomorrow. I put them on a high shelf so Buddy can’t reach them, except they look really great there!
So what do I do? Get three more plants? Except, maybe these plants won’t get enough light there? They’re in the middle, on the top shelf. I don’t think this picture is conveying how good they look there. The issue is light. And $$$.
I bet you’ll find something else that looks really great on that shelf. I’m wrestling with light for my plants today, too, so I had to laugh. I’m lining them up in front of a south window on TV trays, for now. The cats mostly don’t bother them. *crosses fingers and knocks on wood*
They do look nice there.
I’m hoping they look even better in the new location, so it becomes a moot-plant-position point.