Birthday Week Day Three

(I’ve decided Sunday counts as day one.) I got a pedicure here, at Jin Soon Natural Hand & Foot Spa on Jones Street, a nice quiet block in the West Village. The color I got is OPI’s Venus di Violet, for the nail polish curious.

I just finished a great interview, thank you Deborah Harper, of Psychjourney!

But now I have to interrupt my Birthday Week festivities to do some actual work. Ha. Such a hard life I have.  The interview was technically work, but it was so much fun I can’t count it as work.  The stuff I have to do now counts.

Maybe I should bittorrent a good movie to watch after?  

Oh God, I just turned on the news and they’re talking about the Brazilian plane crash.  I’m so sorry for those poor people and their families.  Here I am discussing nail polish colors and some people are dealing with this. Not to mention all the other horrors people are dealing with all over the world.  I’m sorry for all who suffer. OH GOD.  They just said the plane went into a nose dive and they got out of it, and then they went into another nose dive and they got out of it. I was just writing about something similar, going through something horrible, but then thinking you’re going to make it, but then that gets taken away from you.  That happened to those poor people twice before they finally died, as if dying isn’t bad enough.  Christ.  (Sorry people who are reading this.)

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “Birthday Week Day Three

  1. Yes, that crash is way beyond tragic. But guess what? For all the horrors, the world is filled with mystery and wonder. (You of all people should appreciate that.)

    And, THAT alone should give you even more to celebrate. Here’s hoping I’m the first to wish you a Happy Birthday!

    Getting older does suck but, a very wise woman who lived to be nearly 80 once told me that it sure beats the alternative. 🙂

  2. Happy Birthday from San Francisco! I ordered your ‘Unbelievable’ book and just got a call that it has arrived. The world is filled with mystery and wonder as Nicole stated and I hope that you find both during your birthday week. Cheers!

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