I’m trying to find a song that played on a Sex and the City episode that aired last night called: Three’s a Crowd. It’s from season 1.
I’ve been unsuccessful so far and it’s killing me. It was a snippet from an opera, it sounded like. I loved it! I even tried to find Dan Lieberstein’s email, the music editor from the show, but no luck.
I’ve googled and googled, and I just thought I’d post this plea. You never know.
I planned to watch movies all day, but so far I am suffering from attention deficit disorder, it seems like. Nothing has held my attention except the 13th episode of Dollhouse, which was great. Now I’m back in on Dollhouse, and I had given up.
Have you ever tried “Songtapper”? (URL below).
Try singing the tune (if you remember it) and tap your space bar in time and Songtapper will come up with a list of possible titles. Doesn’t always work but you might be lucky!
I’m going to try that. It’s just that it’s opera!
I was watching that very episode when I heard the music. And being very fond of classical music, especially of Mozart and Haydn, I immediately noticed that it actually had to be a piece from Mozart. So I took advantage of my godawful shaky Italian and somehow managed to identify it. 😉
It’s Tito’s aria, the Aria No. 20, from Mozart’s opera “La Clemenza di Tito”.
No. 20 – Aria
Se all’impero, amici Dei,
Necessario è un cor severo;
O togliete a me l’impero,
O a me date un altro cor.
Se la fé de’ regni miei
Coll’amor non assicuro:
D’una fede non mi curo,
Che sia frutto del timor.
Se all’impero, amici Dei, ecc.
Parte, seguito da Publio
It’s been an extreme pleasure finding that and I hope it’ll brighten your day!
Wow, I don’t know how you happened across this old post, but thank you so much!