I am Edward Hopper

I took this picture an hour or so ago. It’s of a store that went up overnight on my block.

This looks like an Edward Hopper painting, doesn’t it?

Every day I fight the urge to get a dog. My big reasons and they are big enough to stop me:

– the money.

– the unhappiness it would bring my cats.

I bring it up because I’ve been fighting the urge ever since watching that Dog Named Christmas movie. Finney could deal with I think, but Buddy is very skittish.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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3 thoughts on “I am Edward Hopper

  1. About the dog: I never would have thought I’d love having 2 dogs the way I do. All my life I’ve had cats (still have 2)…rescues, strays, adopted cats, I had ’em. Even special-designed cat quarters, spoiling them silly.

    Then my husband died, and the quiet was disturbing — I had always wanted a dog, so I got a min-pin at the local animal shelter. His name is Rambo. A few months later, my step-dad died and he’d asked me to take his doxie, Oscar. These are in general smaller dogs, but they are still a handful. I have learned more about dogs than I had ever dreamed: they are not cats, of course, and whereas cats can be aloof, dogs DEMAND a lot of time and attention. On the other hand, dogs can be trained if you put in the effort. They can be a bit noisy, but training can eliminate some of that. I am totally devoted to my dogs; and they are also devoted to me. Now cats, while affectionate in their own way, are not nearly as…emotionally demanding/expressive as a dog.

    These two get me out of the house daily for long walks; I meet people in the neighborhood, get exercise and also enjoy taking them places with me in the car. And I will admit that if I’m feeling threatened by a stranger, they quickly sense it and become wary, on-guard. As long as I assure them a person is “okay” they are fine, very friendly.

    Since you live in an apartment and have 2 gorgeous, spoiled cats already, if you decide to get a dog, maybe go with a tiny toy dog of some sort. If you can get a puppy, it’ll be so small the cats and the dog will adjust to each other as it grows. And being so small, the dog will not be nearly as much trouble as a larger one.

    As a suggestion, you might check around and if any of your friends have such a tiny dog, keep it over a weekend or overnight. Just to “practice” and see if it’s really something you want.

    Good luck!
    P.S. I just have to say though, I don’t think you’d regret it…my two dogs truly have enriched my life.

  2. Cara, there was very … enticing. I’m dying for a dog!!

    Greg, I will check that video out.

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